The Reese Law Firm
TM & © 2011 - The Law Offices of Larry Reese, PLLC.  All rights reserved.
Dispute Resolution

The United States and the State of Texas are very much in favor of lightening the load on the court system by encouraging alternative forms of dispute resolution.  Indeed, many courts will order attempts at mediation or arbitration prior to allowing a trial and many businesses have latched onto these as a means of preventing customers from sueing them.  You will find many of the contracts you sign include clauses prohibiting you from suing if you have a problem and forcing you to use ADR instead.  Even employment agreements often include these provisions now.  The nuts and bolts of the ADR process can be as confusing and nearly as costly as going to court.  Mr. Reese has been a certified mediator since 1998 and can be selected to act as the impartial mediator, can represent you in this process, or can serve as an adviser to help guide you through on your own.  Please call if you have, or think you will need, alternative dispute resolution.