TM & © 2011 - The Law Offices of Larry Reese, PLLC.  All rights reserved.
Human Resources and Employment Law


Mr. Reese have represented both employers and employees in employment law disputes.  The laws of the United States and the State of Texas provide protections for victims of unlawful discrimination or unfair pay practices.  If you have been:
  • Denied employment
  • Denied promotion
  • Paid less than your peers
  • Sexually harassed
  • Demoted
  • Unfairly disciplined
  • Treated differently than others similarly situated
  • Forced to change shifts
  • Asked to work off the clock
  • Not paid while waiting to work
  • Not paid while waiting to be released from work
  • Not paid while preparing for work
  • Terminated
  • Selected for layoff or reduction in force
  • Treated otherwise unfairly
Contact us.  If these actions were the result of unlawful discrimination based on one or more of the factors listed below you may be entitled to compensation or other remedies.  Factors upon which employment actions should not be based:
  1. Race
  2. Ethnicity
  3. Religion
  4. Gender
  5. Pregnancy
  6. National Origin
  7. Sexual Orientation
  8. Veteran Status
  9. Disability or Perception of Disability (yours or a family members)
  10. Age
EEOC Charges

Having handled hundreds of charges before the EEOC and other Federal, state, and local agencies Mr. Reese can help successfully resolve yours.  Having worked for the EEOC Mr. Reese knows what they look for and how to speak their language.  If you feel you have been discriminated against, or have been accused of discrimination, contact me immediately.  Time is of the essence for both the employer and the employee.

The Reese Law Firm